Monday, October 11, 2010

Reflection 10.11.10

I've been writing the screenplay for about a two months now. I've got a, well, a something, that loosely resembles  an outline, which is really more of a series of nouns and a lot of "Scene 13, THAT scene" which is enough to remind myself of what I should be writing for scene 13. I know the story well enough that the lines between where it ends and I begin are kind of well, non-existent. I mean, I've only been writing it for nearly four years, as long as I've been in high school. But, last night something insane happened and I decided I was telling it all wrong, and that is was quickly becoming the sort of  lying, manipulating, formulaic screenplays that lead to forgettable movies that say nothing about truth or the human condition or any of that. As much as I talked about being cutting edge, this story I'm writing sure as heck wasn't. Though I'm not entirely sure how to fit into its new mold, or how the jumps in time are going to function in a non-gimmicky sort of way, or how I am going to fit yet another person into my menagerie of characters, I am however sure that this is how it has to be told, even if that means sacrificing parts of the story that I thought had "classic appeal" or "Oscar buzz" written all over them. Oh, and I changed the name the title of it, its less pretentious, there's no alliteration, and its not as "indie," now its just one word, one noun; Sweater.

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